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Compare the safety of eye drops and eye mist

Eye Drop Safety Eye Mist Safety
Application. Applying eye drops for dry eye require tilting the head back, holding the eyelid open and holding a dropper near the eye. User may experience burning eyes, blurred vision and disorientation following application.
  • For individuals with poor coordination or balance, it is safer to sit down when applying eye drops.
  • Assistance is recommended for individuals with Parkinson's, arthritis or unsteady hands.
  • Medications may cause unsteady hands and diminished coordination and balance.
  • It is never a good idea to apply eye drops while alone, no matter what your age.
  • Remain seated until the burning and blurring are over.
Application. Eye mist/eye spray for dry eye is applied with a sweep in front of the face, without an eyedropper. There is no head-tilting, no eyelid lifting, no blurred vision and no disorientation. The mist is quickly and easily applied and safe for all ages to apply unsupervised. Often you don't even need to stop what you're doing - eye mist can be applied while driving a car, walking or riding a bicycle.
Sterility. Problem can arise from loss of sterility in the eye drops or the dropper.
  • Opening the bottle exposes the contents to the air.
  • Touching the dropper with your hands, face or eye may cause contamination that can be transferred to the bottle contents or to your eyes.
Sterility. Eye mist is contained in a sealed hand-held unit that remains sterile even after many applications. The all-natural mist goes directly from the sealed container to your eye, with no opportunity for contamination.
Dosage limit. Read directions and label warnings carefully and do not over apply. Dosage limit. There is no dosage limit. Apply eye mist as often as desired, including between allowable eye drop applications. The mist is 100% safe for seniors, adults, children and infants.
Shelf life. Read the label carefully to determine if there is a "sell-by" date or a "discard after" date. Shelf life. Eye mist has a four year shelf-life.

For more information:

This education is sponsored by Bio-Logic Aqua Research as part of a proactive daily program for good health. If you have questions or wish to learn more, visit us at www.biologicaquaresearch.com..

Correct eye drop application: http://www.uic.edu/com/eye/LearningAboutVision/EyeFacts/MedicineForEyes.shtml

Dry eye disease: www.dryeyezone.com

Eye mist information: www.naturestears.com

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